Saturday, July 19, 2008

Birthday Wishes for TJ

Yesterday was "Thursday 13" and since mine is about my nephew, Tristan (Hi, Tristan!) I waited until today to post...

Thirteen Things We Love about TJ

1. He LOVES cars.
2. His beaming smile.
3. He’s a good friend.
4. He’s smart (ask him about his favorite car…)
5. He really likes soup.
6. He makes funny faces.
7. Did we mention that he LOVES cars?!
8. He loves his family, too. :o)
9. He’s fast on the soccer field (like a racing car!)
10. He’s fun to play with (bring your cars…)
11. He likes pizza.
12. He has a great laugh!
13. His hero strength (try a hug!)

Happy Birthday, TJ!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So, You Think You Can Dance?

I subscribe to Ali Edwards’ blog. Love her! One of her latest entries is my new favorite video!

I can't believe I have missed this! (and K. if you saw this and didn't send it to me...) I'm such a sap! I cried while watching, laughed and choked on my hot chocolate, but it was all good!

Click HERE for world peace! *grin*

Enjoy the happy dancing!